Saturday, October 14, 2017

Celebrating our 50th Anniversary

Carolyn and I are celebrating our 50th Anniversary with most of our children and grandchildren.  For those that were not able to make the trip -- you are sorely missed, but are in our minds and hearts. We dearly love and cherish each and every one of you as couples, families, and individuals.  We are so blessed to have you in our lives.

We are sharing 2 wonderful 3 bedroom units for a few days.  It is so good to see cousins, kids, and spouses sharing, playing games and enjoying one another!. I hope to share some pictures - in some ways google has made that harder.

Unfinished Business

Never did finish my last post- interesting.  Sometimes I lose touch with things.  My mind wanders - for that matter- my heart wanders.

Over the past few months I've let diabetes back into my body - high blood sugars are once again creeping in. I'm now taking steps to get that back under control.. Even to the point of monitoring my blood sugar again.

Bowled in the Colorado State Seniors Open today.  Team event was today, tomorrow is a singles and doubles day.  It has been a bit of a struggle this year.  I've had lots of inconsistency - my best has been a 593 series, my worst, a 419 series....  That is a huge range.  Well, that means there is a lot of room for improvement.

Weather (even though we had 4 " of snow the other day) is back up to a balmy 74 degrees.  I'm looking forward to both golfing and bowling Sunday through Thursday.  It should be an awesome week.

Switching subjects - we bought some great pillows from Sobel - Sahara Nights Series.  I really liked them when we stayed at Paradise Point -- the pillows really were luxuriously wonderful!  It was a great purchase

Another switch... it has been a busy week... cleaned garage, replaced toilet in the guest bathroom after desperately trying to repair the old one.... I just decided to give the effort up and replace it.. I've shut down the sprinkler system, but need to get it blown out.  I think, but not sure, the job is scheduled for the 25th of this month.