Saturday, May 28, 2016

Family Stuff

It is the season of continuations graduations, parties, weddings, fishing trips and discovery.  For instance I discovered that blogging is more for me than journaling (I guess this is a new adjective because the dictionary doesn't recognize the word - I love the "add to dictionary" function).  There goes another misspelled word!

If you want a reason for liking blogging better - well simply that it is better backed up than my journal!  A computer crash proved that to me.

I've started working on family again.  Making progress by documenting hand written family records and of course, . I must, of course, watch the membership so I don't get carried away. As I've been going through thousands of photos I've discovered hundreds of wonderful family stories and a few adventures of my own tat I had forgotten.  It has been a blessing to share those memories with family and a blessing to discover some of the not so rich family background, but very interesting to me anyway.  We can't all come from kings and Pharaohs.

My next task with photos is to get them in date order - at least as close as possible.  It is very much like being a detective.  By using context, places lived, relative ages and such one can get a fairly accurate timeline.    Bottom line it keeps me busy and out of Carolyn's hair between rounds of golf!

Have a great day, enjoy your moments.  Happy Birthday John, Steve, and so many others - have awesome moments on your very special day!