Friday, April 22, 2016

On Journaling or Blogging Once Again

It seems I have not really advanced that much on this subject.  I'm not very consistent in either effort.  I think, in the final analysis that both have their pros and cons.  Journaling is definitely the choice if you want to keep your thoughts private.  Blogging is the chance if you feel you have something to contribute socially - even something that you think might be of value to others.  So, I guess I'll continue to do both even if I do them both infrequently.

Well, we've had the two significant snowfalls that I predicted we would have - I told John, a couple of months ago that we had two more big snowfalls before spring really started in earnest.  Unfortunately this last one was big enough that the golf courses are taking awhile to recover - tree damage cleanup and such - so, I'm letting my beard and hair grow until I get back out on the golf course again.

I've decided to join several leagues this year and a senior inter-club group.  Bottom line I hope to play competitive (for the fun of it) golf on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.  That's a lot of golf, but it should be a lot of fun.  Hey, maybe I should put a link here to Google Photos of some of the Myrtle Beach outings!  We did play some really beautiful and challenging courses there.

Lots of birthdays this month - so, it is a month of reflection and celebration.  I'm learning a bit of both by going through some 28,000 photos and cataloging them and putting them in albums and such.  Google+ Photos is helping me do that.  I've got so much duplication due to moving files around and backing them up at different times that it really is a chore - but also very reflective.  I'm enjoying and being challenged almost every moment!

To all my friends out there - this project has also given me the opportunity to think about and in some cases prompted me to make renewed contact - even if just through the social media.

Be joyful, enjoy all your moments and have a truly awesome day!