Thursday, March 12, 2015

Be Happy

I know that to say "be happy" can seem like a very trite phrase.  What does it really mean?  Was it Bobby McFerrin's version (Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy
) .  Or is it as stated in "The Untethered Soul" by Michael A. Singer.  I think Bobby hit the nail on the head when he wrote that very happy song.  I also think the Michael Singer has a lot to tell us in his book - Chapter 15 really brings home the value of happiness and the gripping realities of being committed to the decision - and, it really is just that, a simple decision.  But beware, it is not a decision to take lightly because it is a decision to be happy, no matter what!

We are bombarded daily with literally hundreds of things that can ding and bang away at that shield of happiness - it is the way we handle those bombardments that can truly lead to joy and full-time happiness.  I really thank Wendfal and Carolyn for sharing the book with me.  I strongly recommend you read or listen to it.  It is available on "Audible" which is an Amazon product.  (I seem to be an Amazon addict.) 

I finally got to play a round of golf yesterday.  It was the first time this year!  Played well too.  What a beautiful day and so very nice to get out and about. 

"Its a Wonderful Life" - live it in happiness!  Each and every moment of it!