Sunday, September 21, 2014

Yah, It has been awhile!

I think my mom (like's to be called Mum - God only knows why), once told me that "unless you have something important to say, keep your mouth shut."  That along with "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all!"  Well, I just haven't had anything to say be it nice, important, or whatever.

For some reason I fell the need to write and I do have the right to write it if I so choose.

View Coming Down from Top of Hunter's Trail
Fall is in the air.  Carolyn and I took a couple of trips to Aspen.  We stay at a great place.  I hate to name the place because it may get so popular we won't be able to book it anymore - or am I just dreaming.When we wer last there the Aspen were just starting to change.  We had a beautiful hike up (and down) Hunter's Trail.  I should have worn better shoes.  On the way back we stopped at a bridge over looking th roaring fork.  I wish I had my fishing pole.  There, just below me in a quite pool was a beautiful trout.  It would have been fun to catch and release.

I think I'm going to sell my pickup.  Carolyn and I are thinking of downsizing to one vehicle.  It will likely be an SUV that we can still use to tow the boat and still be very comfortable on long hauls.  We still drive to Canada, Iowa, and Missouri from time to time.  Brooke is a Mizzou Tiger now - so I imagine we'll drop by and see her when we had for Big Cedar.

We sat for Kindle an Drew the other night.  That baby Oscar has a healthy set of lungs - but, when he's mellow he is a "very mellow fellow".  He takes after his dad that way. I got to figure out how to get all my photos in OneDrive One Cloud or something.  I've got a couple in my phone Gallery that I would like to share in this post.  I'll figure that out sometime today - really! (Hey, I figured it out!)

 Carolyn and I have embarked on yet another adventure.  We are eating Paleo and loving cooking the new and varied recipies together.  This morning we had braised greens, cinamon broiled grapefruit, and English Bangers.  The grapefruit was awesome.  I learned a lesson on braising greens.  Things like Kale need to be started ahead of things like spinach.  We could also add more seasoning than we do.  But it is som much fun cooking with Carolyn.  Need I say more.  I don't think so!
