Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Soon to be Another Much More Talented Blogger Than I!

Mike and Vicki are visiting!  I would say "about time" but that wouldn't be nice! We are so glad they have been able to spend this time with us. 

Michael is a very observant guy.  He looked out our back window and saw a nesting dove.  I wondered why (we walked by the nest 100 times) we never noticed her or her eggs before.  Of course Vicky already knew that doves nest in the lowest branches of trees.  So, there you go. 

We visited much of the family this week - celebrated births, weddings, and family.  Life is good!

We also downed a few bottles of wine - a couple from a winery in Rapid City - Firehouse.  It was very, very good. And, probably, another bottle or two this evening.

I really don't have anything intelligent to say this evening - well I rarely do say anything intelligent, but I say it anyway.

Oscar and Bishop - welcome to our world.  Xavier, welcome to the family.  Michael and Vicky we are so very glad you came!  Love to all!