Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wow... I've not written since Feb 12 What is with that? or in mondern internet lingo "WTF"?

Who knows - so today is a typical Monday - recycle day (every other week).  First thing this morning was taking out the recycle and the trash.  Recycle bins are much fuller than the trash bins.  That is a good thing..

Second thing was making sure the sprinklers are properly aligned.  I obviously have a bit of work to do there yet.  Then I ran a drip line to the Bird Bath - who knows if that'll keep water in the thing or not, but I thought it was at least worth a try.  Next go out and check the drip lines, they are running right now.Filling the bird bath worked too good - put a limiter in the line and all is well!  All drip lines are good.

So third thing (at least this morning) is gaming and a cup of coffee! To mix or not to mix that is the question here... a little Bailey's that is!  This morning, I'm opting for some Bailey's!  And a little BP! Also multi-tasking a bit - planning the day and waiting for breakfast!

Took a short break from gaming to put a sticker on the Calendar. Rainbow Heart... Nice!  Check email.  Deciding whether to go to personal training tomorrow or not.  Somewhere in here I also watched about 15 minutes of Dr. Jin.

Well, it is now 8:33 AM - guess I'd better get some work done, starting with book keeping! 9AM.

Interval training for 60 minutes.  Then downstairs to relax a bit before taking the truck in for an oil change! Documented on My Fitness Pal. And, of course, more gaming and a morning snack.

So it is about 12:15 - Oil change is done, all fluids and filters checked and A-OK.  I like Keller Automotive.  Now it is back home.  Fixed the weed sprayer, sprayed weeds. Now to relax with Dr. Jin and a bit more gaming and blogging.  (getting hungry too!)

Next day:  Well, I'm obviously still in a funk!  I didn't finish this post.  Well, that would be a typical day.  Hope you enjoyed yesterday, I did.  It certainly had its moments!