Saturday, October 26, 2013

No, It Isn't Monday - But, I Feel the Need to Express Myself

Some things in life just are not as meaningful or important as they used to be.  Other things are much more meaningful and important.  I do love golf, but I won't be going to Myrtle Beach this year.  I love fishing and hope to do a lot more of it this year.  I love walks with Carolyn, but we seem to walk at a different pace.. we are working that one out. 

I spent a lot of time at the old house the last couple of days... this and that to take are of.  I've renewed some of my "handyman" skills - and lost a few of those skills as well.  I enjoy on-line games - probably more than I should - but the strategy games keep my mind sharp - as a tack.

I was elected President (well appointed more or less) of the Fitz Men's Golf Association.  Thanks Eldon for all your years of great service to this group.

I'm listening to New Age music.  It is dark outside.  I wish I had Carolina's for my coffee this morning.  Working on unpacking the last few boxes from our move two years ago.  Got to get the snow blower tuned up - we are expecting snow on Tuesday.

Went to Drew's Jazz concert last night - awesome music - Julie sang as sweetly as ever and Drew - well - such a talent and quite the comedian - I don't mind being the butt of some of his jokes. 

Got to call mom and see how she is.  I still have a little over 2000 faces to identify in Picasa -- but, I'm getting there.  I'm not meeting my new 1 lb a week weight loss - but, I am shaping up more every day.  I love life, laughter, and Carolyn  (my C key seems to stick a bit).  I love my kids and grandkids and their spouses and significant others -- I love to love.

Gosh, Hundreds is a really beautiful dog!  Got to get my bookwork done - tax season draws closer and closer and I'm not going to procrastinate this year.  Really, I'm not.  I'll start on this one tomorrow!

I hate to leave you in a lurch, but this is it for today!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Once Again It Has Been Awhile

I am not sure what it is that triggers the writing bug - but it got triggered again just a few moments ago.  When it does, words-mostly meaningless banger, flow from my finger tips to the keyboard with seeming effortlessness.

Autumn's Birthday Today - Happy Birthday
I was just thinking about the sprinkler system again.  I did get it all done with only one trip to the store yesterday - I had to replace the "test cock" with a different fitting for my compressor.  I know I had an adapter around someplace, but it seemed to have gotten lost in the move a couple of years back.  I still don't have all the little gizmo's unpacked and stored in easy to find places - too much golfing, fishing, and vacationing to do!! 

Well, I guess I've got another slight problem that needs to be fixed - downstairs toilet flapper valve and the darn irrigation shut off ball valve seems to be leaking - damn, I may have to call a plumber on that one.

Was just thinking about Larry Holmes.  Larry was one of my favorite high school teachers - taught typing and accounting - yes, when I was in school we used typewriters - you know, the thing that had a ribbon and made a lot of noise - with the clickety-click sound of the letters slamming against the paper at blazing speed!  Anyway - Larry was at the class-reunion (50th for Monte High Class of 63) - he is fighting the good fight with some cancer and has such a very positive attitude.  It was good to talk to him.  We didn't get to visit long - but he still has that same great smile and positive words for folks that he always seemed to have for his students.

16th Birthday-What is That - Tibby
Always a Great Smile
It is my grand daughter Autumn's birthday today.  I'll be headed over to the kids house to help them celebrate.  (and watch some Sunday football)  Isn't she cute, excited, and  so beautiful!

And now a Culinary School of Arts Graduate - That's Michael to her left...  Happy Birthday Autumn!!!!! Well, anyway - the bug has drifted and I got no more words flowing from the tips of my fingers.... So--

Have a great day, enjoy each and everyone of your family and friends - give smiles and hugs freely - recall your blessings but live in the moment - because, the moment is what we have!