Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2nd Snow 2012 - Late October

It isn't yet Halloween and we've had our second snow.  This was a bigger snow than the first, but no less beautiful.  Most of the fall leaves have dropped to the ground in some big winds.  We had a little over 4" this time - still no shoveling required as the concrete and blacktop still retain enough heat to melt the white stuff away. 

I'm not sure why I've waited until this time to write again - it has been somewhat of a melancholy week.  We had the memorial service for Veronica.  I realize once again Friday morning that while the Tuesday service brought some closure, there is still a lot of emotion buried within my heart and soul.  We had a blessing of many of the grandkids and a lot of their cousins stay over on Friday night.  I will share some pictures on Facebook.

Our Fall Colors Front Yard Tree
Sunday morning.  We are headed for Starbucks - part of our infrequent of late - Sunday morning ritual.  The Broncos play today.  They are off to a pretty good start with their new quarter back PFM. 

I'll be playing winter golf.  I'm overly sensitive... has nothing at all to do with golf -- just noted it.

There is a lot going on right now mentally and emotionally.  Part of it is Colorado family and part of it is Iowa family, part of it is the onset of winter perhaps.  I've been thinking about getting some help, but, I'm also tending to put that off.  We are getting ready to head for Iowa for a few weeks.  We will be spending Thanksgiving their this year.  I need to take care of some things before going - sprinkler system is done, but hoses and outdoor faucets need taken care of.  I also need to do some protection of the indoor main water station.

This is date day.....  should be fun although I haven't started it off quite right - a bit snappy me thinks.  Live your moments well!

Friday, October 5, 2012

1st Snow Fall 2012

There's something special about a first snow.  On the ground, grass still green, leaves on the trees haven't changed colors yet.. At least most leaves.  It is pristine, beautiful.  The tree with red berries dusted with one half an inch or so - the squirrels haven't started eating them yet.  They save the berries for the later months of winter.

The pond looks more peaceful, rimmed with a pearl necklace and just a trace of bird tracks.  It should all be gone by 2 this afternoon.  Life is good...