Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Just Because

Just because it has been awhile.  There is so much going on between the Aurora Theater Tragedy, family, little brother Lew, Carolyn and I, the golf game and discussion topics.  I've put together a list of topics to discuss with Carolyn - I never new we had so much to talk about.

I have started my personal training with Wendfal.  She is very good at this.  I've already seen progress in just two sessions.  I have more soreness, but it is good soreness and I've noticed improvement in my focus, endurance, fleflexibility and attitude since I've started these sessions.  I've set up some goals and am concentrating on being more disciplined about my stretching exercises, good eating, and passion about life.

I took a golf lesson (I like to call them coaching sessions) from Dan at Fitz.  We worked on alignment and aiming.  The bonus from the session was learning that I do not need to change my natural swing, but, I can work with my natural swing to improve my game.  For me that means slightly different aiming points for wedges, mid-irons, and long irons.  We  also discovered that I am able to hit a very decent drive aiming right down the middle of the fairway.  I played Ute Creek yesterday.  What a beautiful morning and what a great round of golf on a non-home course.  I shot an 80 - that's 16 strokes better than I had ever played there before.  I hit 75% of the fairways, had a putting average of 1.88, 3 sand saves and 50% greens in regulation.

Last Thursday I had an unbelievable 72 at Fitz - my home course.  The surprise is that I only hit 53% of fairways,  but I had a 1.66 putting average - that is a lot of one putts. I firmly believe that my pre-shot routine is helping a lot.  I know darn well that the coaching session is going to benefit me greatly and also that doing the Personal Training is going to make a huge difference in my golf game as well as my life.

Golf, right now, and Carolyn are the things that are keeping me sane and vital during this time of chaos, emotion, and insanity.  I've made a commitment to call mom more often - so far so good.  They are brief, but important conversations.  I've also made a note card and a promise to myself to contact my sibs more frequently.  Now I need to carry through and find out if I even have all their phone numbers correct..

The lesson in all of this - is something I've always known and something I strive to continue and that is to "live in the moment" - it is definitely the place to be.  Love to all - stay tuned in life!