Friday, August 24, 2012

Another Sleepless Night

Kindle wrote a beautiful story.    I'm at a loss for words.  Something that doesn't happen to often with me.  Life has changed forever.  I guess it does change forever every day, because each day and each moment leads to a new day and a new moment so nothing is really different about change ... but, it does somehow feel that some moments have more impact than others. The Aurora Theater Event was one of those moments.  I can only imagine the lives that have been changed.

I think that sometimes I dwell on that far too much.... tonight is a sleepless one.  I've had some of those lately.  I do need to read Kindle's story again... because it is certainly right on about family.  We have somehow become closer and more aware of each other.  It is still very hard to see that "event" as a blessing in disguise - because, it isn't - at least it does not feel like one.

I can not write as eloquently as Kindle... Nor do I seem to have the passion of Heather  - the stamina of Chad - or the wonderful sense of joy that Jeremiah has...  What I do have, is a family I love - a family who loves me... a very, very, very special Carolyn.  There is the blessing in the moment.  We have enjoyed more than 47 years together, 45 of them married.  We have 4 awesome children and 8 awesome grandchildren.  We are healthy.  I have mom who is doing okay and 6 wonderful brothers and sisters.. I have Carolyn's brothers and sisters and their loved ones - we are family and those are all blessings.. Ashley is getting better, that is a blessing!  I do have countless blessings.  It is good to recall these things from time to time.  It has helped in this moment.  Maybe, just maybe, some of these words will help someone else too.... What else can I say.