Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cabins, Stables, Lake -- Oh My!!!

I think I finally have something worth blogging about again.  Carolyn and I are in Eureka Springs for a UFO conference - well, she's here for the conference - I'm here to try and finish my taxes by the deadline..... but, and it is a BIG BUT ( not mine mind you - different context)!!!  We are also here to evaluate something up the road near Branson.

I remember calling brother Michael about 30 some years ago and telling him we should buy a small resort - horses, tables, fishing , cabins, the works........  tToday - was magical and a dream of many, many, many years has come to fruition.  Obviously we don't own the whole darn thing, but we do have access to a piece of heaven in many different places.  Can't wait to share with the kids, grandkids, and sibs.  Michael LB - it has happened.... invites to family will be forthcoming.

What can I say besides WAHOOOOOOOOOOO!