Saturday, February 18, 2012

Time to Write a Bit

It really has been awhile.  I think I write today because a lot has transpired over the last 24 hours.  It is early in the morning, 4:52AM to be precise - I'm experiencing a "gout" attack in my left ankle and foot - kind of a quick onset.  I think I'll have to study this dis ease a bit more so I can understand it better.

Carolyn will be off on a day of high adventure -- day heck, from 8:30 in the morning until 11:30 at night, that is quite an outing - a spiritual experience - good for her.

I on the other hand may be taking it easy today - the 70th birthday party was a really wonderful one (Carolyn's sister) . We had 55 guests at the house and a really wonderful time.  We celebrated Carolyn's 65th and Heather's 42 at the same time.

As for seasons, I'm ready for winter to be over.  I can't get the darn snow blower fixed - although I now know how to take it completely apart and put it back together again.  It is always fun learning new skills and buying things like "gear pullers", spark plugs, condensers, rope pulls - and then still not getting it to run correctly.  But I did meet the goal of having no "parts" , bolts, nuts, or thing-a-ma-bobs left over when all was doing.  Maybe I'll be luck and won't have to shovel any more 18" snows.  Wouldn't that be nice.

Life is good.... and so are the majority of my moments!  Enjoy yours too.