Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 - What will it bring?

Another New Year's day.  No partying for us last night - it's why some of my relatives ( no names) leave town for this celebration - well, because some of us just don't celebrate.  Carolyn and I watched a few episodes of "Tommy and Tuppence Partners in Crime" by Agatha Christie.  I think the series was one of the few where Agatha experimented with a lot of sexual innuendo in a very playful sort of way and with a lot of double meanings ( I wanted to use the word "entendre" but no clue how to spell it.

I thought it would be appropriate to add a picture - that's Berry Berry in the tree.  Mary Berry wasn't around the day this one was taken.  Anyhow, this is still when the tree had lots of berries for Berry.  As of today only a few are left so Berry and Mary will not to find a new food source.

We didn't (the guys and I) play any golf in December.  We had lots of snow so the courses were not clear.  But, we do have a tee time for January 3rd - it will be good to get out on the course again.

I've started this new year with no resolutions - what will be, will be.  Today I've already adjusted the automated light and fan in the bath and cleaned some 20?? cobwebs from the ceiling.  Carolyn pointed them out yesterday - I guess I missed em when I really thought I was doing a very thorough job of dusting on our last cleaning day.

I also MogPoged the puzzle we put together - one of Carolyn's Christmas gifts (from me) was a box of 10 various sized Fairy Lore puzzles.  Our first was a 300 piece puzzle - the largest is 1000 pieces... I know for some these are not a challenge - for us its plenty.  Folks can have a good conversation whilst making progress on a picture puzzle.

Today, being Sunday, we'll like do Starbucks then I'll watch the football game.  This season could be a surprise season for the Broncos.  We'll see.  the last few games have been interesting and fun (except for last week maybe).

I need to get to work on the annual Myrtle Beach trip.  I think we settled on the dates.  I got confirmation back from the rest of the gang of four.  It is now up to me to make the reservations and pick the courses we'll play - pressure.

Ah well, there is something to be said for living in the moment.  I don't think one worries much when they do - live in the moment that is.

Prayers for Aunt Joyce and Uncle Bob - I think Joyce is dad's last living sibling - Bob, her husband is clinging to life.  Carolyn and I saw them last when we were in California five or six years ago.

Last year was a big year for Carolyn and I - a new home, parties bigger than we've ever had in the past, lots of family visitors - it has been a joy to watch and experience Carolyn - I think she's having fun entertaining and I find I enjoy cooking breakfast for folks and cooking meats for the celebrations. Life is good!

Enjoy your moments this year - each and every one of them!