Monday, December 12, 2011

The Urge to Write or Berry!

It has been almost two months.  Two really exciting and interesting months so I last posted - why?  To tell you the truth I have not felt the urge during this time, nor have I been too busy to write.  But, today, for some reason, I just had to write something.

We've had a lot of "parties" since moving in - almost 4 and 1/2 months ago.  We've had family, Look Ahead friends, visitors and now a son and grand daughter are making their home here with us - for awhile.  It has been good.

Berry, well he's the squirrel that hangs out in our backyard.  Kyrie named him because he's eating all the berries off a tree.  That squirrel has practically cleaned the tree - it has been his own feasting ground - and it is almost totally harvested.  Berry looks healthy - if not a bit fat, hmmm.  Nah I couldn't do that.

It is probably about time that I posted some pictures again - maybe I'll post some of Berry -- if he turns out to be a lady squirrel I'll have to change that spelling to Berrie.  I might have to blow up the photos a bit.

Hey, how about them Broncos??????