Thursday, September 22, 2011

Busy Bees

Yesterday - golf, planted 5 trees,  finished painting the guest room trim, assembled bed frame, continue to unpack and de-clutter.

Today - Jeff was here to lower the kitchen island - replaced a bad plank on the back of the house - painted same. Helped Jeremiah (well he and Debbie did most of it) move some of Kairi's furniture here temporarily, finished the casement window shelf in the guest room, drilled two holes in the concrete and mounted the closet door glider track.... scheduled the tee time for Monday - that was the most important thing I did.

Lots of very, very, very full moments.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just Another Day

I look out my corner kitchen window.  One thing I miss about the old house is the view of the sunrise in the morning, always awesome.  Our new home doesn't really have an East or West view -- some South and North. So all I really get is a bit of the sky that spills over the two story homes behind us.  I do have my trees, the brook, the deck, the patio and so much more.  So, it really is "Just Another Day".

But, really, is this that - "Just Another Day".  I don't think so.  Each day has its special gifts for us - yesterday it was a mediocre round of golf but great friends - painting, watching the Broncos losing yet again - a wonderful spaghetti dinner and glass of Merlot.  All days are unique and special - they are given to us to enjoy to the fullest.  Sure we can grouse that everything isn't perfect - but, it is if you really think about it - perfect.

Just as each moment we have is perfect in its own way - and each of us is perfect as well.  The faults we me see or not see are there, but that doesn't make any difference -because all of this is part of our unique and individual beingness (I coined this word).  In being we are really allowed to be ourselves - it doesn't matter what others may see to our face or behind our back- we just need to allow ourselves to be ... ourselves.  My encouragement to you is that you enjoy who you are and accept yourself as the gift you are to each and everyone else - including me!

Please, enjoy your moments - I'll be enjoying mine!