Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weather Permitting

Mount Evans Aspen - gloriously gold.  It was a beautiful but brief road trip - enjoyed lunch at the restaurant near Echo Lake.  It was to close the next day - getting ready for winter 2010.

(Side note:  it is interesting - people watching, especially some of the younger generation, how they dress and interact - a subject for later maybe.)

I played one of my better rounds of golf on Wednesday, an 84 - in League  -- that was worth 1st in my flight.  Maybe I can overcome my one self imposed pressure match.  It would be about time.
Carolyn and I are thinking about a long road trip -- a bit over 4300 miles -- it would be a trip that lets us visit all of her "out-of-state" sisters and brother.  Also, of course, a stop in Iowa to visit my family.  they at least all live within about 30 miles of one another.

We (Carolyn and I) have decided to host Thanksgiving at our house this year.  We have a small home, but we have big hearts and are sure we can manage -- we won't all be around one table though.

We went to niece Nicole's wedding yesterday.  It was really a nice affair.  There was a family art gallery, cocktails, dancing, and of course the wedding - a mix of traditional and non-traditional.  The bride was beautiful and their first dance together as a married couple was something to behold--better than dancing with the stars.  It was easy to see their joy and deep love for each other.  Many of her cousins were there, and all of our children were there except for the one that had to work.

Well, it is a beautiful morning, one with many moments to enjoy -- enjoy yours by living in those moments! Later!