Saturday, August 8, 2009

Just Some Thoughts

I retired last October - Since that time:

We have two dogs - Katie and Buddha
We've gon
We've to 12 weeks of dog training
I've lowered my average 18 hole golf scor from 110 to 92
I play golf 3 to 4 times a week instead of about once a month
I've finished remodeling the kitchen
I've joined Facebook
I've walked 4 or 5 miles every day (well, almost everyday)
I caught the biggst walleye I've ever caught 26"
I shot a 37 on the front nine at Fitz, best 9 ever
I had an 80 at Fitz, best 18 ever
I rarely if ever think about Lockheed Martin (I do think about friends from time to time)
I had the best trip i've ever had to Myrtle Beach.... (Didn't bring home the gator)
I nap whenever i want
I do whatever i want
Life is good
Love is great
Each moment is precious.....

so much more to do. How did i ever have time to work!